Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Think of all and everyone you've lived and loved
like clouds across a meadow
as you sit in the grass
watching people you know play
and run around

Think of all the trails you've walked
and the beauty of the smallest weed nestled
in the crook of a tree at a nameless
indistinguishable bend

Think of how you are that weed beside that tree
and how the tree cradles you
and how that crook, that spot
the things around you are there and beautiful
and you could rest there forever
in love

Think of how that love can swallow time
and consume it
until it is nothing but a fly
buzzing through your place
existing only in the boundaries of your moment

Think of how in the absence of time
and the replacement of love
all that is good may last forever

Monday, November 8, 2010



Love is
snappy comebacks?
stimulating chitchat
provocative but playful
silly yet edged
the perfect girl
how much should it matter?
how much does it matter?

alpha male
does not care
alpha male
biggest dick
penetrating ego
raping charisma
you you you you

me me me me
holding on
not leading
life is torture in last place
running slow
run over.

beta saboteur
half a man
a boy